Hey there,
Welcome to the latest edition of Weekly Crystallizations, a weekly newsletter where I highlight tweets (and occasional Telegram messages) from people making sense of what’s going on in the world today!
Personal update
I just got back from Part 2 of the course in Hypnotherapy I did with hypnotherapist Adam Eason. We had a great group and I found the content extremely interesting. Also, Adam is a fantastic teacher. All that’s left for me to get certified is to complete several case studies. So if you’re grappling with an issue, or if you know someone that is, which may be helped by hypnosis — hit me up. I’d be happy to work with you.
One nugget I learned: There’s evidence to support two different mechanisms for hypnosis. One, a “real” mechanism, works by piggybacking on an actual mechanism in the body. E.g. by getting someone to imagine they’re eating we can trigger changes in the digestive system. The other, a “methaphorical” mechanism, works is much more mysterious ways. We can get someone to imagine a control room in their head where they push up a lever for their metabolic rate and find that it changes.
Twitter, or X as I’m almost forced to call it, has made some changes again its APIs, which — again — is making the creation of this newsletter more laborious. You’ll notice that there aren’t any sub-titles in this week’s thread. My apologies for this. I’ll spend some time this week looking for a solution.
Here are this week’s crystallizations:
No Twitter account necessary:
I love these threads, thank you for providing the alternative link.